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Akce a párty - Summerween 2025: A Tim Burton Ball


Summerween 2025: A Tim Burton Ball

Datum akce: 20.6.2025
Začátek akce: 20.6.2025
Místo konání: Praha
Cena: 400 Kč
Popis akce
Třetí ročník ikonické letní queer Halloween párty Summerween, tentokrát v Tim Burton stylu!The 3rd year of our iconic queer summer Halloween party Summerween - this time Tim Burton style!MAIN SHOWSPerry Stroika (DE) - Drag King showSpizy G (MX/SK) - Drag Queen showRudy Daddy - Drag King showFiesto - LED showEleanor de Noir - Drag Queen showFae GothMelancholia Blackbile - Burlesque showGOGO GHOULSBlackTailBodacious BettyDollface DirtymindDominika PachlováFoxy AngelHappy ChaosHOSTED BY / MODERUJÍGrozna Svina & Melancholia BlackbileSPECIAL PROGRAMCostume Competition - bring your best Burtonesque costume, cosplay or party outfit and win awesome prizes!Afterparty with DJ - dance with us to queer alt, goth & emo bangers till the sun comes up!Photocorner - Get your picture taken by our professional photographer Zolcca, or get her assistant or your friend (or enemy?) to take a photo of your iconic lewk on your phone!Stall Zone - Shop all things weird & spicy!STALLZONE SELLERS & BRANDSPrimeros Condom - Enjoy free condoms from our wonderful sponsor!GothSoup - Shop hot drag merch, cute and spooky enamel pins, stickers & more!Blackbile Productions - Find out more about our upcoming events!TICKETSVIP Ticket - 800 CZKRegular Ticket - 500 CZKDoor Ticket - 600 CZKUseful ticket info: If you cannot afford the full price tickets, you will also find a cheaper option for both ticket types with a 100 CZK discount. There is only a limited amount of these discounted tickets, so if you are in a comfortable financial situation and can easily affort the full priced tickets, please get those so that others can afford to go to Summerween too. Thank you!