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Akce a párty - Demolerte & Dirty Habits - A Retro Night with a Heavy Twist


Demolerte & Dirty Habits - A Retro Night with a Heavy Twist

Datum akce: 29.3.2025
Začátek akce: 29.3.2025
Místo konání: Praha
Cena: 160 Kč
Popis akce
DEMOLERTEDemolerte (Tommy-drums, Kyros-bass, George-Lead Guitar, Marketa- Violin & Giovas-vocals) is a band that transit paths of Classic Rock, Rock Pop & Alternative Rock. There are vocal harmonies, powerful guitars and strings, time changes. Lyrics with tricks, hidden messages. Elements that stand out in their first album CASA ROTA.Demolerte presents a SODA STEREO TRIBUTE as well (a common passion) and covers of the Latinamerican & Spanish Rock bands that have influenced them the most.Demolerte is: Internal demolition. Reset. Distortion. DIRTY HABITSDirty Habits (Kuba-Bass, Carlos-Guitar, Viktor-Vocals, Nelson-Guitar, Marios-Drums) brings you the best pop music with a heavy twist! You will feel yourself back in the 90s watching MTV and banging your head at the same time.In their Heavy-Metal-Boyband style, Dirty Habits will be throwing their best dancing moves on the stage while playing the greatest hits from artists like ABBA, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, NSYNC and more!!